How to set up a grade book
A grade book is a Moodle feature that helps you collect scores for graded activities in your course. With its help, you can collect and view marks and manually enter grades for offline activities.
To set up a grade book for a course:
Step 1 - Click on the gear icon in the upper right and select Grade book setup. On a new page, you’ll see the full list of graded items for the course.
For each item, there’s a Weights column. The bigger the number, the more important the grade for performing this task (more on that in a minute).
For now, let’s make grade book items l “Add category." In the demo course we use, there are three types of graded items, so we can create three categories for them:
In your course, you can create any number of graded item types and as many categories as you need.
Step 2 - After clicking Add category, give each created category a name and click Save changes.
Step 3 - Now, move the items to their category by clicking the arrow icon on the left of the item’s name.
Now, when your items are organized, it’s easier to assign the weights to each category. Let’s say, we believe Assignment to be the most important category, so we’d like to give it the largest weight. For example, it’s 50. We tick a checkbox for Assignment and enter 50.
All the other weights are automatically adjusted, so the sum is 100, but you can define weights for the rest of the categories too — in our example, we put 30 and 20 for Quiz and Simulation correspondingly.
If you like, you can also manually define weights for each item within a category.
Step 4 - When everything is ready, click Save changes in the left bottom.
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