Grade Assignment with Annotate PDF

Teachers can highlight, write, type, add stamps, and post notes in a PDF document submitted by a student when Annotate PDF is enabled. They can use a mouse, or trackpad to make handwritten markings when using a computer or stylus, or a finger when grading on an iPad or other tablet.

Enable Annotate PDF option

Step 1 - On your main module page, click Turn editing on. The edit links will appear.


Step 2 - Click Edit next to the Assignment you wish to modify, and then pick Edit settings from the Edit drop-down menu. The Settings page for the assignment will appear.


Step 3 - On the settings page find Submission Types:

  • Check the File Submissions box (required).

  • Type .pdf in the Accepted file types box (recommended).


Step 4 - Find the Feedback Types heading and select the Annotate PDF checkbox.


Step 5 - Click Save and return to course, at the bottom of the page.


Use Annotate PDF:

Step 1 - Click on the assignment on your Moodle page to open it.


Step 2 - Under the summary of submissions and grading status, click Grade.


Submissions will open one at a time in an annotation window.

Step 3 - Select a tool from the annotation toolbar at the top of the window to mark the submission.


Step 4 - Enter the Grade and any overall Feedback Comments in the pane to the right of the annotation window. In addition to typing feedback, you can add files and links, or record short audio (microphone button) or video (camera button) clips.


For more details refer to Annotate and Grade Assignment

Step 5 - Click Save Changes to save as you go and Save and Show Next when you are ready to proceed to the next submission.

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