How to add an assignment
How to add an assignment?
Creating assignments is a feature that you’ll likely use very often as a teacher. With its help, you can ask your students to submit their homework, check how well the unit is being digested, and provide feedback.
Step 1- Just like with quizzes, choose the section where you’d like to add the activity, click + Add an activity or resource, and choose Assignment in the pop-up window.
Step 2 - In a new window, give the assignment a name and specify what you expect your students to do in a description field. For instance, you can ask them to watch a video and share their opinion on the topic, or ask them to edit a text and submit an improved version, as we did in our example.
There are also a number of useful settings that are worth playing with. We’ll mention just a few basic ones.
In this section, you can set time frames for submitting assignments or set a reminder to check students’ work before a certain date.
Submission types
In this section, you’ll need to specify in what format you expect the students to submit their work. Choose Online text if you want them to type their responses right in Moodle, File submissions if you want them to attach a file, or both options at the same time.
You can also specify certain file formats and the number of words in essays for the Online Text option.
Step 3 - Click Save and return to course when you’re done.
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