Assignment Feedback Files & Feedback comments

You may return annotated files to students through a Moodle Assignment, if you want to make comments on files (for example, using Track Changes in a Word document or adding comments to a PDF).

Additionally, Moodle can automatically match feedback files to the proper student if all contributions are downloaded to a .zip file, the original file names supplied by Moodle are retained, the files are compressed into a new .zip file, and the .zip file is uploaded to a Moodle Assignment. This is especially handy if you want to annotate several files but don't want to publish them all separately to give students comments.

How to Enable the feedback files option?

Step 1 - On your main module page, click Turn editing on. The edit links will appear.

Step 2 - Click Edit next to the Assignment you wish to modify, and then pick Edit settings from the Edit drop-down menu. The Settings page for the assignment will appear.

Step 3 - Find the Feedback Types heading and select the Feedback files checkbox

Step 4 - Click Save and return to the course, at the bottom of the page

How to add feedback?

Step 1 - Click the link to the assignment you wish to grade on your main module page. The summary page for the assignment will appear.

Step 2 - Scroll down and click View all submissions on the Assignment summary page. The page for assignment submissions will appear.

Step 3 - Select Download all submissions from the Grading action drop-down menu at the upper left of the page. Submissions will automatically download to your computer as a .zip archive.


Note: You may also choose to download submissions of a selection of students. For each submission, you would like to download, click the checkbox to the left of the student name. Below the table of submissions, for With selected... click Choose and select Download selected admissions from the drop-down menu.


Step 4 - On your PC, unzip archive. You'll notice a folder with numerous files, each of which starts with the students' names.

Step 5 - Open individual files to add your annotations, and save files to record your changes.


Do not change file names when saving, otherwise, Moodle will not be able to correctly upload feedback files.

Once you are done annotating the assignments, compress the individual folders to one zip file to upload in module page.

How to upload Feedback files?

Step 1 - Click the link to the assignment where you downloaded submissions from, on your main module page. The summary page for the assignment will appear.

Step 2 - Scroll down and click View all submissions on the Assignment summary page. The page for assignment submissions will appear.

Step 3 - Select Send feedback files from the Grading action drop-down menu at the upper left of the page.

Step 4 - Upload multiple feedback files in a zip page or single file.

Step 5 - Click Upload feedback file(s). The Confirm .zip upload page will open displaying a list of all files you have modified.

Step 6 - Click Confirm to upload the files. A confirmation screen will open showing the total number of uploaded files. Click Continue to return to the Submissions page.

How to Provide Feedback Comments?

If enabled, graders can provide written feedback for each submission. These comments are from the grader to the student and can be added once you click the Grade button.

Demonstration Video


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