(Respondus) Quiz Only Accessible From Certain Locations

(Respondus) Quiz Only Accessible From Certain Locations

If you have come across this message in your quiz’s main page:


Or if your students show you an error message stating that they are not allowed to attempt the quiz because it is only accessible from certain locations, that means you have this IP address in your quiz settings:


This IP address is meant for exam hall use and will always show up by default when creating a new quiz activity. If you are using the quiz activity but is not intended for exam hall use, then you must delete it.


The following steps will show you where it is located:

  1. Go to Edit Settings (under the gear icon on the top right):

  1. Scroll down to the section called ‘Extra Restriction On Attempts’:

  1. Click on ‘Show more…’

  2. Delete the IP address in the ‘Require Network Address’ field:


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