How to Delete Attendance Record?


Step 1 - Click on Timetable as shown below and you will be redirected to Timetable page.

Open AttendiX

Step 2 - In the Timetable page, on the top-right click on Open AttendiX button. You will be redirected to AttendiX home page.

Attendance History

Step 3 - In the AttendiX home page, scroll down to Attendance History section and you will see all the history of class attendance you marked. You can see following details of each attendance record in attendance history.

Class Code

Gives information of class in the format of module code-class type-intake code e.g., CT065-3-3-ALG-L-UC3F2002CS


Date of class


Information of start and end time of class


Gives information of attendees in the format of  – Present | Absent | Absent With Reason | Late | Total Number of Students


Information of type of class; Lecture, Tutorial, or Lab

 Step 4 - You can filter attendance history tracing back – 7 days, 30 days, or 98 days, to get a list of records. Click on the option where you see the number of days and the pop-up menu will open with options to select the number of days to filter.

You can search for attendance history with class code. Type in class code or intake code in the search field and you will get a search result in real-time as you type.

Step 5 - After you have filtered and search for attendance record you want to delete. Click on the delete icon and you will get pop-up window Delete Attendance Record! to confirm your action to delete the record, click on DELETE.

The page will refresh and on top of AttendiX home page you will get confirmation message “Attendance deleted”.

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