Advance Search For Attendance Record
In AttendiX 2.0 you can search for attendance record in Attendance History with class code. You may have to search for an attendance record to edit/update the record or delete a class attendance record. This is a guide to help you better search for attendance records and get quick results. In the attendance history, class code is shown as the following example below:
Lecture: AICT004-4-2-OS-L1-UCDF1904ICT-DI-ITR-SE-ABB
Tutorial: AICT004-4-2-OS-T-UCDF1904ICT-DI-ITR-ABB
Tutorial Group 1: AICT004-4-2-OS-T1-UCDF1904ICTSE-ABB
For this guide, we will use the module Operating System (OS) AICT004-4-2-OS and intake UCDF1904ICT, as an example to show ways to search for class code. The end of module code (AICT004-4-2-OS) is a short class code (OS).
Module Name | Operating System |
Class Code | AICT004-4-2-OS |
Short Class Code | OS |
Intake | UCDF1904ICT |
For searching, we will use % (percentage) character to specify keywords from class code to get better search results.
For example, let’s take class code AICT004-4-2-OS-T-UCDF1904ICT-DI-ITR-ABB and see how we can search this class code in attendance history using % character in the table below:
AICT004% | Finds any class code that starts with “AICT004” |
%SE% | Finds any class code that has “SE” in any position |
As you type class code keywords in the search field, you get a search result in real-time. The following is a quick reference guide to search for class code using keywords:
Search for intake code
Search for intake and specific course program e.g. Software Engineering (SE)
Search for the module using a shortcode e.g. Operating System AICT004-4-2-OS
Search for module and intake
Search for the module, class type, and intake:
Tutorial Group 1
Tutorial Group 2
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