How to Mark Attendance Quickly in AttendiX? (Method 2)


Step 1- Login to APSpace Web – OR Go to APSpace smartphone app

Login to APSpace

Step 2 - Click on Timetable as shown below and you will be redirected to Timetable page.

Open AttendiX

 Step-3 - In the TimeTable page, you can view your class schedule throughout the week. Next to each class schedule, there is a button Attendance, click on it and you will be redirected to the Mark New Attendance page.

This option is only available for the current date and previous date of classes.

Step 4- In the Mark New Attendance page, a window will pop-up with two options; select class code that matches your class and select Class Type.

If you did not find your class code in the option then, you can click on FILL OUT MANUALLY and follow Method 1 to mark attendance.

Step 5- All the remaining details will be auto-filled: Date, Start Time, and Class Duration. Next, select on any of the two (2) options to Mark all students as Absent (default) OR Present and click MARK ATTENDANCE.

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