Enroll for Visual Studio Professional Subscription

Enroll for Visual Studio Professional Subscription

Visual Studio Professional Subscription is a service targeted for IT developers. If students and staff want to enjoy this service, enrollment is required before accessing the services.

Step 1 - Launch a Support Ticket via our IT Helpdesk.

Step 2 - Login to ticketing system using your APkey.

Step 3 - Fill in the support ticket form.

Enter “Request Visual Studio Subscription Service” as the Summary. For Select a System, choose 3rd Party Software or Microsoft Azure. Lastly, enter your APkey.

You may refer to the following screenshot on ensuring correct information are included.

You may use the following template for the Description field.

Dear IT Helpdesk,

I would like to enroll my account for Visual Studio Subscription service. Below are the information requested:

Personal Email: [your personal email]
Duration: [duration of subscription in months]
Start Date: [date of subscription starting]
Purpose/Project: [justify the need of Visual Studio Professional Subscription]

Thank You.

Please ensure correct and accurate information are included as it will affect the processing time.

Step 4 - Click on Send.

The helpdesk administrator will take around 24 to 48 working hours to process your request.

Result - Upon successful enrollment, you will receive email from Visual Studio as follows:

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