Installation Guideline for IBM SPSS Amos 30 (Windows 11)

Installation Guideline for IBM SPSS Amos 30 (Windows 11)

IBM SPSS Amos 30 is a program that tests relationships between observed and unobserved variables to quickly develop a hypothesis that can confirm and prove their relationships.

IBM SPSS Amos is only available in Windows (x86-64). MacOS version does not exist and emulating it using ARM devices will not work.

If you are facing issue installing the software on your incompatible device, please use the IBM SPSS Amos installed in the labs PC.

Download IBM SPSS Amos 30

There are some licensing issue with IBM SPSS Amos v30, therefore we are temporarily reverting the licensing to v29 until further notice. The installer will be IBM SPSS Amos v29.

More details: Licensing status

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Step 1: Head over to the download page by clicking the following link: CLICK HERE.

Step 2: Download the installer by right-clicking on the file and select Download.

Step 3: Let it Install.

Install IBM SPSS Amos 30

Step 1: Launch the installer.

Step 2: Click Yes.


Step 3: Click Next.

Step 4: Agree to terms and agreements then click Next.

Step 5: Click Next.

Step 6: Click Install.

Step 7: Click Finish.

Step 8: Click OK.

Activate IBM SPSS Amos 30

Step 1: Launch IBM SPSS Amos 30 License Authorization Wizard.

Step 2: Click Next.

Step 3: Select the second option then click Next.

Step 4: Input” into the box then click Next.

Step 5: Click Finish.

Run IBM SPSS Amos 30

Step 1: Launch any of the IBM SPSS Amos 30 applications.

Result: Installation Complete.

In case of further inquiry, please open a ticket with the Virtual Help Centre. Alternatively, you may choose to access APSpace > More > Help Centre for further guidance and support. This guideline is designed for you to help you in the process of opening a ticket.

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