Welcome to APIIT Education Group Virtual Help Centre
You can go to the Knowledge Base Home Page. Please select the functional unit you would like to reach or inquire about an issue. Our team will get back to you as quickly as possible. Kindly, "Log in" to help centre to send request to other functional unit -"Teaching & Learning", "Immigration", etc.
Featured portals
IT Helpdesk
Are you having problems with our IT services - APSpace, Moodle, APkey login, Wi-Fi (BYOD), iConsult etc.? Open a ticket with us and get it resolved.
Do you have inquiry/request? Issues in your accommodation like - plumbing, electrical, access card, door lock etc. ? Open a ticket and our Accommodation staff will assist you.
Academic Administration
Get assistance from administrative staff to help you with inquiries related to - exam dockets, attendance, EC, resit, referral exam, progression, results, transcripts, certificates etc.
Change Request (Staff Only)
One-stop center for all requests to propose changes/upgrades for university-wide support systems
Do you have inquiry related to your fee payment? Open a ticket with us and our staff will assist you.
Visa and Immigration
Get assistance from our Immigration staff with your visa application inquiries such as; visa renewal, visa cancellation, special pass, transfer endorsement, etc.
Do you need help or assistance using our library resources? We offer a range of help & support services to all our library patrons.
Do you need any assistance related to your Internship Module? Reach out to us and we will assist with your inquiry.
Career Centre
Do you need help in your job search both Full Time and Internship Roles? Reach out to us for support and we will assist you.
Inquire about examination, assessments and results with our administration staff.
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