SSPR@APU - Reset Password
SSRP@APU enables users to reset their APKey@APU password seamlessly with no hassle and no support tickets. As long as the user is registered to SSPR@APU, benefit from a hassle-free password reset service provided by APU to our users.
Below are the steps on how to reset your password in case forgotten or locked out.
Changing your APKey password will impact your Office 365 and APSPACE login.
Step 1: Navigate to with your APKey@APU username and click on NEXT
Student → []
Staff → []
Step 2: Click on ‘Forgot my password'.
Step 3: Enter the characters provided in the picture and click on NEXT.
If you get an error message ‘We’re sorry, You can’t Reset your own password because you haven't register for password reset.' Ensure you have already registered to SSPR@APU. Click HERE to learn more.
Step 4: Select a Verification method. If you have registered only 1 method, you will see only 1 option for verification.
Once the verification option is selected, Click on Email / SMS / Call / VerificationCode / Security Answer.
Step 5: Provide the Verification code/answer accordingly.
Step 6: Provide a new password.
Please ensure to stick to the password policy defined below.
Characters allowed:
A – Z
a - z
0 – 9
@ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , . ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; < >
Blank space
Characters not allowed:
Unicode characters
Password restrictions
A minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 256 characters.
Requires three out of four of the following types of characters:
Lowercase characters
Uppercase characters
Numbers (0-9)
Symbols (see the previous password restrictions)
Password reset history
The last password can be used again when the user resets a forgotten password.
Step 7: Once the password has been reset successfully, click on CLICK HERE to sign in using the new password.
Step 6: You will receive an email notification that the password has been reset. If the reset has not been initiated by you, please immediately email to investigate the issue.
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