On-Campus Wi-Fi / Wireless and Internet Policies

On-Campus Wi-Fi / Wireless and Internet Policies

The wireless policy applies to all areas of wireless connectivity to APU network infrastructure, and includes all wireless devices operating within APU IP address range, on any of APU premises, or any remote location directly connected to the campus network.

Technology Services (TS) is currently responsible for APU network infrastructure. The wireless network is an extension to this network and therefore TS has the sole responsibility for the design, deployment and management of APU wireless LANs.

Wireless Policy Restrictions

  1. TS acts as the central management body in regulating the installation and maintenance of all 802.11 wireless LANs.

  2. All Access Points must abide by all national regulations relating to Wireless Devices.

  3. All existing Access Points must conform to recommended specifications as defined by TS.

  4. All new Access Points must be acquired via TS, in-line with APU’s current purchasing policy and TS Standardisation initiative.

  5. All Access Points must follow the TS Standard Configuration settings for Access Points.

  6.  Access Points will only support the 802.11x and 802.11n standards. Installation of any non-standard Access points is prohibited.

  7.  In line with the IT Regulations, TS has the right to disable any non-standard device which may cause interference with existing approved Access Points. The offending device may be removed without prior notice.

  8.  Proactive monitoring of wireless networks is undertaken by TS on a regular basis and any unauthorised Access Point will be removed from the network.

  9.  Any future request for installation of new Access Points must be directed through TS.


Downloading Copyrighted Materials

 All staff and students are prohibited from utilizing APU's bandwidth to download unlicensed copyrighted materials. In reducing the abuse of internet bandwidth at APU, all staff and students are required to fulfill the following criteria for downloads:

  1. Before downloading any copyrighted materials, staff/student shall seek assistance and permission of Technology Services. A request may be sent via the Helpdesk System to the Technology Services Manager.

  2. Copyrighted materials may be downloaded from the publisher's website or any of its official partners only.

  3. In the event staff/student is unable to find any form of an End User License Agreement (EULA) or any other appropriate license agreement from the page(s) downloaded, he/she should seek clarification in writing from the Technology Services Manager. 

  4. All staff and students are prohibited from downloading materials from generic “download” websites such as rapidshare, megaupload, hotfile, etc. All staff and students are also prohibited from downloading licensed and unlicensed software via the torrent service.

  5. Whenever any staff or students have any doubt about their downloads, license agreements, etc., it would be best to refer to the Technology Services Manager.

  6. The safest practice to download any materials from the Internet:

  7. Seek the assistance and clarification of the Technology Services Manager before downloading any materials. Any assistance or clarification sought shall be made in writing to avoid any dispute.

  8. To request the Technology Services Manager to download the materials required. The Technology Services Manager shall investigate all necessary aspects of the download before downloading the requested material(s) or authorizing his/her staff to do the same.

  9. All staff and students are strongly urged to adhere to the rules and regulations noted above, to avoid any dispute or any legal issues, as well as any disciplinary issues that may be result of intentionally or unintentionally downloading unlicensed copyrighted materials using APU's network.

Forum Guidelines

  1. APU values the diversity of viewpoints fostered in an academic setting and is steadfast in its commitment to encouraging the open exchange of ideas and perspectives.

  2. The opportunity to participate in the discussion forums and comments posting is a privilege, not a right. APU may, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, immediately terminate student access to the Webspace forum.

  3. APU cannot protect individuals against the existence or receipt of materials that may be offensive to them. However, if APU believes, in its sole discretion, that a user's participation in the forum violates the guidelines set forth here, APU reserves the right to take any and all actions it deems necessary and appropriate including, but not limited to: deleting a posting or limiting or denying a user's access to APU.

  4. APU requires that discussion forum posts and comments conform to following standards for posting:

  • Keep your comments to the relevant initiative topic or purpose of the discussion forum topic.

  • Limit your post to a reasonable length, not to exceed 200 words.

  • Do not post copyrighted material or lengthy essays or articles (generally defined as no more than 200 words) without appropriate permission to the list.

  • When responding to an earlier message, do not quote all of a previous message. Instead, quote only those sections that are relevant.

  • If you are asking a question, please encourage people to respond directly to you and offer to summarize responses and send the summary to the forum.

  • Please be polite, professional, and respectful. Constructive discussion is encouraged; personal attacks and flame wars are forbidden.

  • You may not send commercial messages to the list.

  • Do not include attachments in your messages.

Some of the discussion forum sections are not moderated forums, and therefore administrative approval may be not required for posting. Hence users will be held accountable for adhering to the “Forum Guidelines” set forth here. Users are required to self-police their postings to ensure that they meet the guidelines. APU may review user postings at any time to determine if there have been violations of the guidelines.

Policy Violations

APU reserves the right to release user information pursuant to the relevant authorities if it is required to do so by law or regulatory body.

 Violations of the APU ICT policy governing the use of APU ICT resources may result in restriction of access to APU ICT resources. In addition, disciplinary action may be taken under other APU policies, guidelines, implementing procedures, or collective bargaining agreements, up to and including dismissal. Any restrictive action must follow standard APU procedures that assure due process.



If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our Helpdesk Centre by opening a ticket with the Virtual Help Centre. Alternatively, you may choose to access APSpace > More > Help Centre for further guidance and support. Not sure how to open a ticket? Please follow this guideline.


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