Network Services Policies and Guidelines

Network Services Policies and Guidelines

The modern world scenario is ever-changing. Data Communication and network have changed the way business and other daily affairs work. Now, they highly rely on computer networks and the internet.

Network@APU is enabled with high-speed internet. This ensures our users are satisfied with the internet experience by keeping security and data privacy in mind. Network@APU is equipped with high availability & fault tolerance system to ensure our users enjoy a seamless internet experience. Performance, Reliability, Scalability & Security the key criteria’s that are met by Network@APU.

Below is a simple Connectivity Diagram (Note: this is just for illustration purpose and not the actual network connectivity diagram for Network@APU)


OnBoard@APU (Wireless)

OnBoard@APU is seamless, easy to use,  secure and works with all major OS platforms. You just need to connect to the OnBoard@APU and it  will guide you through a simple and straightforward process of connecting to OnBoard@APU to enjoy the features.

Click Here to know more about OnBoard@APU


VPN@APU, A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is used to access restricted University resources from off-campus through a secured Internet connection. Staff and students with an active relationship with the University can use VPN services.

Click Here to know more about VPN@APU


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