Satellite Campus offers Wi-Fi facilities for all the residents of the campus and BYOD@APU is one of them. Kindly use your APKey credentials to register/authenticate to the network.
The maximum number of devices allowed to register for BYOD@APU is only (2) two.
If the number of devices has exceeded above 2, please open a ticket with our IT Helpdesk to open a ticket with IT Helpdesk to remove/reset your devices.
Step 1 - Connect to Visitor@APU SSID.
Step 2 - A browser will pop-up prompting you to register your device as shown below. Select Register Device.
Step 3 - You will need to enter your APKey credentials. Click Login.
Step 4 - A file will be downloaded automatically. Click Keep and Open the file.
However, if the download is blocked or its not successful, try the registration process on a different browser ( Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Edge).
Step 5 - Click Run.
Step 6 - A notification will pop-up stating your installation is successful. Click close.
You have successfully connected to BYOD@APU.
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