LabVIEW Installation Guideline (Community Version) for MacOS (Intel)

LabVIEW, in its Community Version, is a comprehensive graphical programming platform used for data acquisition, instrument control, and industrial automation. It enables users to create intuitive and customizable applications through a visual interface, making it accessible to both beginners and advanced engineers. By integrating LabVIEW in engineering and scientific programs, providing students with a powerful tool to learn and apply concepts in data analysis, control systems, and measurement automation.

This guideline includes instructions on how to install LabView (Community Version) on MacOS(Intel). Ensure all the steps are followed to make sure there are no mistakes during the installation of the application.

This installation guideline is strictly for MacOS (Intel).

Installation Video

Creating NI Account

Step 1: Head over to the LabVIEW Official Website and click on the Profile icon at the top right.

Step 2: Click on Create Account.

Step 3: Fill in the form with your “personal details and Email as your TP Email”. Then click Create Account.

Result: The following window should appear. Check your TP Email.

Step 4: Copy and paste the link into a new tab and click Enter.

Result: Click continue, and your account should now be created.

Downloading LabVIEW (Community Version)

Step 1: Click on Products at the top of the page.

Step 2: Click on LabVIEW.

Step 3: Scroll down to the second page and click on Download LabVIEW.

Step 4: Choose the following options and make sure the OS chosen is Mac.

Step 5: Click Download.

Result: Let it download.

Installing LabVIEW (Community Version)

Step 1: Launch the downloaded file.

Step 2: Launch the installer.

Step 3: click on Continue.

Step 4: Click on Continue.

Step 5: Click on Agree.

Step 6: Key in your credentials and click on Install Software.

Step 7: Let it download.

Step 8: Click on Close.

Run LabVIEW (Community Version)

Step 1: Launch LabVIEW (Community Version)

Step 2: Click on Activate LABVIEW Community Edition.

Step 3: Input your login details.

Result: If you get this window, that means your LabVIEW has been activated.

Step 4: Click Create Project.

Step 5: Done.

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