Dealing with slow/reduced Bandwidth when using Microsoft Teams

Dealing with slow/reduced Bandwidth when using Microsoft Teams

One of the challenges educators and students might face when using Microsoft Teams from your respective locations especially when out of campus would be dealing with slow/reduced bandwidth.

Below are the suggested workarounds:

  • The solution to the challenge above would be to “Turn off” the video when not required. You are advised to use audio with screen sharing if bandwidth is an issue.

  • You are advised not to play any video during the screen sharing with audio mode. The screen sharing is ideally used to beam the presentation slides along with living demos (if any). If there are any videos to be played, do share the video link with students and get them to view from their side. You may post the video link in the respective channel within your Class Teams.

Disable video


Share Screen

Select the application you want to display so to hid the rest of your info.

Close or hide any sensitive information before sharing your screen. 


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