HOW-TO Connect to RemoteLab@APU

HOW-TO Connect to RemoteLab@APU

RemoteLab@APU is a web base service and can be accessed from any web browser. Below is the steps to get connect to RemoteLab@APU.

RemoteLab@APU has macOS & WindowsOS sessions.

RemoteLab@APU is a limited resource and students who wish to use it would need to get approval by submitting a IT Helpdesk Support Request stating the purpose of use. Support request must include information about the subject/project that are carrying out, including the name of the lecturer/supervisor.


Step 1 - Navigate to https://remotelab.apu.edu.my from your Web Browser.


Step 2 - Enter your APKey Username and Password.

If you have forgotten your APKey Credentials, please reset it from reviewing the attached Guideline.

Step 3 - You have successfully been authenticated, please enter your APKey credentials to log into the macOS.

  • The initial login and system preparation can take 1 or 2 minutes before the system runs smoothly.

  • Once you have completed your work, please ensure to log-off the session so other students are able to use.



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