Enroll for NVivo access (bulk)
NVivo is a software tool that helps researchers manage and analyze qualitative data. This type of data includes interviews, survey responses, articles, social media content, and more.
This is to be done by lecturer or workshop trainer. Please ensure you have the complete students or participants list before submitting the enrollment request.
If you only have a few users needing license assignment, you may request each user to request access via individual enrollment method: Enroll for NVivo access (individual)
Step 1 - Download the following CSV file:
Step 2 - Edit the CSV file accordingly by entering users email address, first name, and last name. Remember to remove the first two lines of examples.
Do not include third-party participants (non-APU email address) in the list as the license agreement is only available within members of APU organisation. Please advise them to register an account on their own and use the trial version provided by NVivo which lasts for 14 days.
Step 3 - Save the CSV file. Open the file again and ensure all information is correct.
Step 4 - Submit the CSV file to license administrator via email.
Please follow the email format as below, minding the correct Subject:
To: weilun.cheng@apu.edu.my
CC: techlab@apu.edu.my
Subject: Bulk assignment of NVivo license
Dear Wei Lun,
Please assign NVivo license to the following accounts as provided in the attached CSV file. For your information, this is for [purpose] which requires these users to have access for [months of access needed, maximum 12 months].
[you may provide additional information if needed]
Thank you.
Warm Regards,
[your name]
You can refer to below example:
Result - After license assignment, each user will receive email from Team NVivo as follows:
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