Classroom Equipment Management Policy

Purpose: To ensure the availability and proper use of classroom teaching equipment, this policy outlines the responsibilities of staff regarding the management of classroom drawer keys and the use of equipment.

Scope: This policy applies to all staff who utilise equipped classrooms for teaching purposes.

Policy Statement:

  1. Key Responsibility: Staff are required to carry their classroom drawer keys at all times to ensure access to teaching equipment.

  2. Equipment Use: Teaching equipment such as projector/TV remotes and HDMI cables must be used as per the guidelines provided in the classroom or the Knowledge Base.

  3. Equipment Return: After the completion of classes, staff must return all equipment to the designated drawers.

  4. Reporting Protocol: Any issues with equipment availability or functionality must be reported immediately to the TechCentre at 03-8992 5050.

Compliance: Adherence to this policy is mandatory for all staff. Failure to comply may result in restricted access to classroom equipment and further administrative action.

Support: For assistance with projectors, usage guidelines, or reporting issues, staff are encouraged to contact the TechCentre.

Effective Date: 1st January 2024

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