Does the library have a fiction book collection?

We do have access to some selected fiction books in print and also as e-books. You can check the availability through OPAC (print copy) and EBSCOHost (e-books ) as shown below:

Step 1- Click “Advance Search” in OPAC and choose the “content” to “Fiction” (Print copy).

Step 2- Choose any of the titles from the result. Write down the call number and search the book on the shelf.


EBSCOhost (E-books)

Step 1- Click “eBooks” from the top menu and choose “eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).”

Step 2- Key in any keyword in the search box. You may also browse by category at the side.

Step 3- Once you find the title you wish to read/ view. Click on the title to view the details of the e-books. You may also directly click “PDF Full Text”, “EPUB Full Text”, or “Full Download”.

When downloading the e-books from EBSCO, please ensure you have the “My EBSCOhost folder account”. You can create it using your email or official APU email.

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