Personal Counseling

Personal Counseling

If you have some personal problems and would like to speak with someone in confidence, our Student Counselor, Ms. Emily Otavia Mathius, is here to help. Ms. Emily will be available for counseling from Mondays to Fridays, and in order to make an appointment for a counseling session, you will need to email her at emily.octavia@apu.edu.my

For your convenience and privacy, the personal counseling room is located at Counseling Office, Level 4, Block E, APU Campus (telephone extension 5115, or DID 03-89925115). Please ensure that you make an appointment as described above, to be assured of a confirmed session.


Please note that you should meet the Student Counselor if you have personal and emotional problems. Should you have issues that are related to your subjects or your course of study, you should meet with your Programme Leader, and if your problems are administrative in nature, please approach the administrative staff.

Guidelines to consider when seeking counseling

Unacceptable circumstances

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