Unblocking ports on Windows Firewall (Troubleshooting Guide)
Unblocking ports on Windows Firewall (Troubleshooting Guide)
Step 1: Open Start Menu, enter fire and click on Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security.
Step 2: Select Outbound Rules, then click on New Rules.
Step 3: Select Port, click Next.
Step 4: Select TCP and Specific remote ports and enter ”5033,5122”. Press Next.
Step 5: Select Allow the connection, press Next.
Step 6: Click Next.
Step 7: Give it a recognizable name “NetSim” and click Finish.
You should now see your new firewall rules show up in Outbound Rules.
You may now try and use NetSim again.
You can also run the following command on an elevated Command Prompt (Administrative) to create the firewall rule:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="NetSim" dir=out action=allow protocol=TCP localpor
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