Load Attendance Automation
  • Rough draft
  • Load Attendance Automation

    Target release

    29 March 2024

    Document status


    Document owner

    @Muhammad Haziq Bin Nor Azli (Deactivated)


    @Muhammad Haziq Bin Nor Azli (Deactivated)


    @Charles Hon Hock Chung @Hani Baizura Abd Hamid @Muhammad Haziq Bin Nor Azli (Deactivated)

    Tech lead

    @mustafa @Nurul Akmal Abdullah @ Dollah


    The objectives are to streamline administrative processes, reduce manual work, and improve the overall efficiency of managing student attendance load and grouping as following:

    Phase 1:

    1. Loading students to classes to be automated for core modules

    2. Grouping of students to be automated for core modules

    Phase 2:

    1. Elective Module selection process to be automated

     Requirements List

    Phase 1:

    1. Follow the current flow, where scheduler provide event list , until IIS will be released 

    2. Late registration students Admin will handle manually 

    3. Register students will be in APSpace Admin /Bulk Attendance Upload 

    4. Core modules will come from OBE

    5. Grouping Criteria: For fresh intake, split alphabetically, and for progression, copy from the previous class code (applies to Pre-U and Degree programs with more than one group).

    6. Number of Groups per Student: Implement a view in APSpace Admin showing the number of groups assigned to each student in an intake.

    7. Elective Modules: Allow students to choose or change elective modules themselves, attached to the class code to avoid missing modules.

    8. Load Late Student: Automatically load late registration students to class according to group Notify lecturers when students are auto-loaded.

    9. Attendance Automation: Attendance to be a loaded by Admin in APSpace Admin on the event list provided by the scheduler.

    10. Bulk Class Setup Changes: Add a new column for intake code and group in bulk class setup.

    11. Script for Student Assignment: Create a script to assign students to each class based on intake.

    1. Requirements from CRF


    User Story


    Jira Issue


    Meeting Notes


    User Story


    Jira Issue


    Meeting Notes


    Change of grouping - student to be given access to choose/change their own grouping from the system to stop student from asking to exchange grouping for each class of each subject which should be attached to the class code.

    Currently the process is done manually and students assigned to each group by admin. If the students, would like to change their grouping, they contact admin currently.




    1. For grouping, splitting will be follow by alphabetical order for fresh intake, while for progression, it will be copy from previous class code (only applicable for Pre-U programme and only course that have more than one groups) (27 OCT 2023)

    2. Estimated number for each group is provided by scheduler in the event list email as below example (27 OCT 2023) :

    Implement number of groups assigned for each student in intake setup to distribute the student in an intake as a view on APSpace Admin (20/02/2024)


    elective modules - student to choose/change elective module by themselves which should be attached to the class code to avoid any missing modules in the semester.

    to reduce the frequency of changing the grouping, elective and load attendance request.






    load late student attendance - to avoid delay in loading the attendance for late registration student. auto load is necessary for student not to miss any attendance for classes and not have the necessity to keep informing the lecturer if the new added student in the classes, lecturer to receive auto notification when student is auto load, to also implement the system not to have the lecturer to refresh the system every time new student is auto load.

    1. to reduce time consumption and errors




    • Attendance will be automatically load by CTI based on the event list provided by scheduler. (27 OCT 2023)


    Bulk Class Setup Changes:

    • Add a new column called intake code and group on bulk class setup





    • Script to assign student to each class based on intake(20/02/2024)

    2. Flowchart

    Current Process


    Proposed Process by Admin

     Success metrics








    1. Changes in the requirements or team members

     Open Questions



    Date Answered



    Date Answered

    Grouping is alphabetically or randomly allocated ?

    • For grouping, splitting will be follow by alphabetical order for fresh intake, while for progression, it will be copy from previous class code (only applicable for Pre-U programme and only course that have more than one groups)

    27 October 2023

    Who provides estimated number of groups?

    • Estimated number for each group is provided by scheduler in the event list email as below example :

    27 October 2023

    Who load attendance?

    Attendance will be automatically load by CTI based on the event list provided by scheduler

    27 October 2023



     User interaction and design

     Out of Scope


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