SAP GUI 7.50 Installation Guide (Windows)

SAP GUI 7.50 Installation Guide (Windows)

This guide will show the process for installing SAP GUI 7.50 on your Windows workstation.

For MacOS user, please follow SAP GUI 7.50 Installation Guide (macOS) instead.

Step 1: Acquire SAP GUI installer

You can grab the installer using the link below. Note that you will download a ZIP file that is 104 MB in size.

Download link: https://cloudmails-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/weilun_cheng_apu_edu_my/EjrIdIEI92xDuPaOljj-OF4Bl8AKMYXG3xqBCFUxhyhOzw?e=YAC6vQ

You can double click the ZIP file to view the contents inside. Double click SAP_GUI.exe to start the installation process.

Step 2: Installing SAP GUI

Wait for the installer to prepare itself.

Once the preparation is done, click on Next.

If you have issue running the installer or installing it, try running the installer with administrator privileges. You can do that by extracting the SAP_GUI.exe, then right click and select Run as administrator.

In this section, click on the checkbox.

Once the + SAP_GUI_750 is selected, click Next.

Allow for few minutes for the installation to complete.

Once installation completed successfully, click Close.

Step 3: Setting up connection

Launch SAP Logon by opening Start Menu, type “sap”. Click on SAP Logon.

The first time you launch SAP Logon, there won’t be any connection. Click on New item.

In this setup wizard, leave SAProuter empty, click Next.

Fill in the following values in System Connection Parameters. Once you are done, click Finish.






Automatically filled, you can type anything you want.

Application Server


Instance Number


System ID


SAProuter String


Step 4: Connect to system

Once you done creating the connection, you will see it inside the main screen. To connect to the system, double click on it or select it and click Log On.

If your connection is fine, you should see the login screen as such. Change the Client field to 360.
Next, login to system according to User and Password given by your lecturer.

If you encounter any issue while connecting or logging in, you can refer to this page which document and troubleshoot common issues.

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