Installation Guideline for Microsoft Project 2022 (Windows 11)

This guideline provides a step-by-step process on how to download, install, activate, and run Microsoft Project 2022 on Windows 11. It will be divided into several sections to allow users to carefully follow through. The guidelines may also provide precautions just in case your system is not compatible with some of the installations.

This guideline is strictly for Windows users.

Installation Video

Download Microsoft Project 2022 (Windows 11)

Step 1: Head over to Azure Login Portal and log in with your “TP Email”.

Step 2: Input your “password”. Then click Sign in.

Step 3: Click Yes.

Step 4: Search for “Education” in the Search Bar. Select Education.

Step 5: On the Sidebar Panel, Click on Software.

Step 6: In the Search bar, type “Project” and select Project Professional 2021-DVD.

Step 7: A panel should appear on the right. Click View Key. Copy the key then click Download.

Install Microsoft Project 2022 (Windows 11)

Step 1: Once the download has finished. Head over to your downloads and run the program.

Step 2: Click on Open.

Step 3: Run the application Setup.exe.

Since the file downloaded is a Disc Image File, the computer system will prompt you to create a separate virtual disk. This can be removed by manually ejecting it or restarting the system.

Result: Wait for it to install until it displays the following screen.

Activate Microsoft Project 2022 (Windows 11)

Step 1: Launch Project.

Step 2: Paste the key obtained earlier into the input box. Then click Activate Office.

Result: It should automatically take you to the main menu.

If you have installed any other products via this method, e.g., Word, Visio, Excel. Then the program will directly take you to this page. But if this is the first Microsoft Office product that you have installed via this method, then choose “I want to activate the software over the internet. (Recommended)” and click Next; otherwise, ignore this information panel.

Run Microsoft Project 2022 (Windows 11)

Step 1: Launch Project.

Result: Installation Complete.


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