RemoteLab@APU is a web base service and can be accessed from any web browser. Below is the steps to get connect to RemoteLab@APU.

RemoteLab@APU has macOS & WindowsOS sessions.


RemoteLab@APU is a limited resource and students who wish to use it would need to get approval by submitting a IT Helpdesk Support Request stating the purpose of use. Support request must include information about the subject/project that are carrying out, including the name of the lecturer/supervisor.

RemoteLab@APU is a limited resource and students who wish to use it would need to get approval by submitting a IT Helpdesk Support Request stating the purpose of use. Support request must include information about the subject/project that are carrying out, including the name of the lecturer/supervisor.

Step 1 - Navigate to from your Web Browser.

Step 2 - Enter your APKey Username and Password.


If you have forgotten your APKey Credentials, please reset it from reviewing the attached Guideline.

If you have forgotten your APKey Credentials, please reset it from reviewing the attached Guideline.

Step 3 - You have successfully been authenticated, please enter your APKey credentials to log into the macOS.

  • The initial login and system preparation can take 1 or 2 minutes before the system runs smoothly.

  • Once you have completed your work, please ensure to log-off the session so other students are able to use.

  • The initial login and system preparation can take 1 or 2 minutes before the system runs smoothly.

  • Once you have completed your work, please ensure to log-off the session so other students are able to use.


If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our Helpdesk Centre by opening a ticket with the Virtual Help Centre. Alternatively, you may choose to access APSpace > More > Help Centre for further guidance and support. Not sure how to open a ticket? Please follow this guideline.