This is a step-by-step process on how to install RStudio 2023.06 on macOS. The entire article is divided into three sections, which include; downloading, installing and running RStudio 2023.06 on macOS.
This installation guide is only applicable to macOS.
Installation Video
Downloading RStudio 2023.06 (macOS)
Step 1: Go to Official Download Page and scroll down. Then, click RStudio-2023.06.0-421.dmg.
Result: Once RStudio-2023.06.0-421.dmg clicked, the RStudio 2023.06 (macOS) will start downloading.
Installing RStudio 2023.06 (macOS)
Step 1: Go to Downloads in Finder and click RStudio-2023.06.0-421.dmg.
Step 2: Drag the RStudio icon into Applications.
Step 3: Click RStudio.
Step 4: Click Open.
Result: Installation complete.
Run RStudio 2023.06
Step 1: Launch RStudio.
Result: Installation complete.