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We have simplified marking attendance in AttendiX 2.0. The following is a step-by-step guide to mark attendance in AttendiX 2.0:

Note: Access AttendiX 2.0




Step 1- Login to APSpace Web –



Step 2- Click on Timetable at the bottom tab bar and you will be redirected to Timetable page.



Step 3- In the Timetable page, on the top-right click on MARK ATTENDANCE button. You will be redirected to AttendiX 2.0 home page.



Step 4-In the AttendiX home page you will see two sections, Mark New Attendance and Attendance History.



Step-5: Fill in the following details of the class you want to mark attendance; Class Code, Date, Start Time, Class Duration, and Class Type.


Step-6: Next, select on any of the two (2) following options to Mark all students as:


If students are using QR code to sign for attendance then, please advise students to use APSpace smartphone app built-in QR code scanner to sign for attendance. If they are using APSpace Web (, they will be redirected to enter OTP to sign for attendance.


In the center it shows a pie chart statistics of attendees for the class; PresentAbsentAbsent With Reason, and Late. Just hover your mouse cursor on the pie chart and you will get statistics of attendees.


The right side shows you have two options; MARK ALL AS and DELETE CLASS ATTENDANCE. Any changes made using these options will affect all the students in this attendance record.



When you click on MARK ALL AS, a pop-up menu will open with options to mark all students for this class as Present, Late, or Absent. If you click on Delete Class Attendance, it will delete this attendance record.


You can mark student attendance Absent With Reason, by first clicking on Absent and then you will see absent with reason remark field activated for the student. Just type in the reason for absent in this field and color will change from red to blue to indicate update of attendance status to absent with reason. You can also see this update/change in the pie chart above.


You can mark student attendance Absent With Reason, by first clicking on Absent and then you will see absent with reason remark field activated for the student. Just type in the reason for absent in this field and color will change from red to blue to indicate update of attendance status to absent with reason. You can also see this update/change in the pie chart above.



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