SSPR@APU also known as Self Service Password Reset enables our students and staff to manage your APKey account more securely. SSPR@APU gives users the ability to change or reset their password, with no administrator or help desk involvement.

SSPR@APU brings the following benefits to our users:


Reset Password

Change Password

Password Banned List

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Characters allowed:

  • A – Z

  • a - z

  • 0 – 9

  • @ # $ % ^ & * - _ ! + = [ ] { } | \ : ' , . ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; < >

  • Blank space

Characters not allowed:

  • Unicode characters

Password restrictions

  • A minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 256 characters.

  • Requires three out of four of the following types of characters:

    • Lowercase characters

    • Uppercase characters

    • Numbers (0-9)

    • Symbols (see the previous password restrictions)

Password reset history

  • The last password can be used again when the user resets a forgotten password.

Once you have changed or reset your password using the SSPR@APU approach. APSPACE will take between 1 to 2 minutes and no longer than that for the new password to be operational.

The Password Banned List allows users to protect their accounts by not using easy passwords. The list gets updated by the administrator once in a while, so please ensure to review it once in a while in case your new password does not work.