What is APSpace?

A hybrid mobile and web application for users of the Asia Pacific University to provide convenient access to a variety of services, applications, systems, and information and to most of our services in your hand on the go.

How to download APSpace?

You can download using the App Store, Play Store, or Webspace.

How Can I Submit a Feedback or Report a Bug?

Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Please add a review in Google Play Store / Apple App Store or send us an email at assist@apu.edu.my or call us at 5245.

I’m a Staff/Student. How Can I Contribute or Add Features to APSpace?

If you're passionate about driving positive change and enthusiastic about crafting innovative solutions, we encourage you to get involved. You have the opportunity to suggest new features that could potentially reshape the way our application works and serves its users. Our features and functionalities are purely student-driven.

Your input is invaluable as we strive to make our application even more user-friendly and feature-rich. To share your brilliant suggestions for new features or contribute to APSpace, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at cti@apu.edu.my.

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