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This feature is only available for the students. Please make sure that you are using the same device and the same browser while you are trying the reset your password. Open the reset password email from the same device.


If you forgot your APKey password then, you must reset your password to access your account. You can follow the steps below or click the “Forgot password? How to reset/recover my APKey password? (Video)” to watch the video, to reset your APKey password.

Step 1 - Open this link in a separate tab and follow the below instructions.


This process is only available for the students now.


After, you have to clicked submit you will get a message that you will receive instruction to reset your APKey password in your inbox.

Step 2 -

Now open your secondary e-mail inbox.


Answer your security question and answer and click submit.

Step 3 -


Now, enter your new password. It is important to have strong password. Please make sure your password must contains:
